The Internet Governance Caucus has been running a process for the selection of Civil Society nominees for the United Nations' Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG), whose creation was decided at the Geneva Summit.

In a first phase, the caucus asked the Civil Society plenary and caucuses to submit up to three nominations each. All these nominations, together with those coming from the Internet Governance Caucus itself, formed the list of nominees.

The list was then examined by a Nominating Committee formed by the following people:

Izumi Aizu
Valeria Betancourt
Renate Bloem
Bertrand de La Chapelle
Adam Peake

These people prepared the final list of recommended WGIG members and recommended connectors (people who should ensure the involvement of their caucuses and working groups).

These deliberation where then sent to Mr. Markus Kummer, the coordinator of the Executive Secretariat of WGIG, for his consideration, under the form of a document.